Discover Financial Freedom with Venus Michael's Breakthrough Book

Unleash Your Financial Potential Today!

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Meet Venus Michael

Established in 2004, I embarked on my journey as a bookkeeper, following all the necessary steps to start a successful business. However, like many of my clients, I quickly discovered that completing these tasks didn’t guarantee financial stability. I reluctantly accepted that I was merely running a side hustle, and in order to survive, I needed to seek alternative employment. While I kept my side hustle afloat by a thread, I joined the corporate world, where my skills propelled me up the ladder. Within three years, I found myself overseeing multiple locations, responsible for hiring and training new employees.

Then, in 2013, I faced a pivotal moment when I learned that my boss was selling the business. This prompted me to make a resolute decision – I refused to let my precious side hustle fail. I yearned to build something of my own, something I could be proud of, something that would provide for my family.

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About The Book

Profit First for Photographers

Discover the secrets to financial mastery in optometry with Venus Michael’s book, “Profit First for Photographers.”

Tailored for photographers and those in the visual artistry field, this book is your roadmap to financial freedom and practice efficiency.

Unlock practical, industry-specific strategies to elevate your business and secure a prosperous future. 


What Professionals Are Saying

Praised by industry experts and practitioners alike, Venus’ book is transforming practices across the nation.

Read what leading photographers say about ‘Profit First for Photographers’ and how it changed their practices.

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“Magnam facilis laudantium sapiente autem incidunt provident, nostrum atque.”

“Sequi, vitae? Cumque voluptas quasi laudantium alias eum reiciendis porro architecto nam labore!”

“Ipsa iusto obcaecati pariatur natus ipsum voluptate vel reprehenderit distinctio quas ullam.”

“Laudantium voluptatem in officia nisi quae recusandae tempora, omnis doloribus!”

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More About The Book

Why This Book?

Venus Michael wrote ‘Profit First for Photographers’ to fill a crucial gap in financial education for optometry professionals. Her approach is not just theoretical; it’s born from real-life experiences and successes, making it an invaluable asset for every optometry practice.

Discover the transformative takeaways from ‘Profit First for Photographers’:

Implementing Profit First: Understand how to apply this methodology specifically in an optometry practice for better financial management.

Practical Strategies: Gain insights into practical, actionable steps tailored for the optometry sector.

Expert Advice: Benefit from the combined wisdom of Venus Michael and Dr. Scott Colonna, offering a balanced perspective of financial management in optometry.

Real-Life Applications: Learn from real case studies demonstrating the successful application of these strategies in optometry practices.

Sustainable Growth: Find out how to achieve long-term financial stability and growth in your optometry practice.


Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! This book is designed to be accessible to all, regardless of your prior financial knowledge. It provides clear, step-by-step guidance tailored for photographers.

Yes, established businesses will find advanced strategies and insights to further enhance their financial performance and growth.

‘Profit First for Photographers’ uniquely combines the Profit First methodology with specific challenges and opportunities in the photography sector, offering industry-specific advice.

The book lays out manageable steps for integrating Profit First principles. While some changes are necessary, they are structured to be practical and sustainable.
Results can vary, but many readers report seeing positive changes in their financial management within a few months of implementation.
The book includes references to additional resources, and you can also join our community forum for ongoing support and updates.

Yes, the strategies are designed to be effective for businesses at any stage, from start-ups to well-established practices.

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Join hundreds of professional photographers who’ve turned their practices around. Read ‘Profit First for Photographers’ by Venus Michael – Where financial acumen meets photography expertise.

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